Monday, July 30, 2012

It WAS About Kellin Quinn

Well, it is one of those days where nothing can really satisfy my boredom. So I figured I'd make a blog. :3 I am new to blogging so I am not sure how to start one off so please cut a bit of slack. :P Well I guess I will just rant about Kellin and how I feel about him. No I don't have one of those obsessive crushes on any of the band members, including Kellin. I just like to jam out to Sleeping With Sirens because most of their songs can relate to several of my moods. I can relate to A Trophy Father's Trophy Son because my Dad left us when I was nine. I am thirteen now and this year I have only seen my father once, twice in 2011 and most of the time he was drunk when he saw me in 2010. The main reason I go stay with my Dad is my beautiful half-sister and my step brother. Grrr getting off topic here! :P Well I am glad Kellin wrote that but my all time favorite is If Your James Dean Then I'm Audrey Hepburn because I like the part where is says "Can't promise that things won't be broken, but I swear that I will never leave. Please stay forever with me." I dedicate all of that quote to my boyfriend who will have been with me a year October 4th of this year. Kellin is my inspiration that no matter what, don't give up on a relationship no matter how bad it gets or how many mistakes they make. No human being can be perfect in any relationship and will make mistakes. No one can really know what love is, but we can all come pretty close to it if we try hard enough. No matter how young or old. I know this isn't really about Kellin, but he is my inspiration to pick myself up off the ground and try again. This blog started off with him, and made me see how much of an inspiration he is and how my thinking on men have changed. And If you are a guy, don't date for looks or make bets or any of that crap. Nine guys did that to me, two or three did want me back but they are too late because I found a guy who actually cares about me and not how big my breast are, or how much money I can make him in a bet, or just to have a girlfriend. So many girls get hurt because of guys like that. I almost killed myself because one had hurt me so bad after I had dumped him and made me feel like dirt. His friends and family resented me. Guys, if a girl dumps you, that means they aren't happy. So please, if a girl dumps you, don't harp on them. Cut them some slack. Try and be their friend. Just whatever you do, don't cheat, abuse, or hurt them emotionally. Like I said (getting back on topic :P), I know this turned out not to be about Kellin, but I think some good came out of this. I just changed the name. :P From Kellin Quinn, to It WAS About Kellin Quinn. One day, when I learn how to blog better, maybe I will write just about Kellin. But for now, I wish Kellin and his baby girl Copeland happiness and I hope him and his wife enjoy the road of parenthood. :) Bye guys! :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Information About Sleeping With Sirens

Background Information: 
Sleeping With Sirens is from Orlando, Florida and was put together by members of For All We Know, Broadway and We Are Defiance. The band is signed to Rise Records and has released two full albums. Their acoustic album was released June 26. Kellin's angelic voice, being a tenor leggiero, was the inspiration for the bands name.
With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear- March 23, 2010
Let's Cheers to This- May 10, 2011 (the first song from the album, Do It Now Remember It Later was released on April 7, 2011)
Current Members:
Gabe Barham- Drums(2009)
Jack Fowler- Rhythm Guitar(2011)
Justin Hills- Bass Guitar(2009)
Jesse Lawson- Lead Guitar, Backup Vocals(2010)
Kellin Quinn- Lead Vocals, Keyboards, Programming(2009)
Former Band Members:
Brandon McMaster- Lead Guitar, Backup Vocals(2009-2010) (Currently in The Crimson Armada)
Nick Trombino- Rhythm Guitar, Backup Vocals(2009-2010)
Paul Russell- Bass(2009)
Dave Aguliar- Rhythm Guitar(2009)
Alex Kaladjian- Drums(2009)
Brian Calzini- Vocals(2009)
List of Guest Appearances
Kellin Quinn(2010)- "The Amazing Atom"(At the Skylines)
Kellin Quinn and Jesse Lawson(2010)- "There's a Situation @ the Shore"(Lakeland)
Kellin Quinn(2010)-"In the Face of Death"(The Last Word)
Kellin Quinn(2011)-"Airplanes Pt.2" (We Are Defiance feat. Tom Denney formerly from A Day to Remember)
Kellin Quinn(2011)-"The Dying Hymn"(The Color Morale, as composer)
Kellin Quinn(2011)-"Bring On the Empty Horses"(Call Us Forgotten)
Kellin Quinn(2011)-"Once Upon a Time In Mexico" Demo Version(Cascades)
Kellin Quinn(2012)-"Miles Away"(Memphis May Fire)
Kellin Quinn(2012)-"King for a Day"(Pierce the Veil)
Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Title: "If I'm James Dean, Then You're Audrey Hepburn", "With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear", "If You Can't Hang", "Do It Now Remember It Later"
Director: Calleb Mallery, Sam Link, Thunder Down Country, Izzy Campos